Where are video creators’ needs unmet?

April - June 2021


Teams that come into Area 120 already have a product vision (they need it to create a pitch), but often they form it without talking to any users. Our small but mighty UXR team would do our best to weave in user-centricity, but we didn’t have the capacity to partner with these teams through each decision.

When the Spring 2021 class started, I was paired with the Showtime* team for their initial research. They needed a concept test to validate their value prop, yes, but I wanted to give them a leg up on building a user-centered product vision by delivering an artifact that they could keep coming back to: an in-depth journey map.


For the first round of research, I paired in-depth interviews (n=8) with an unmoderated concept study (n=30) to test our initial features with content creators — both those who currently create videos, and those who create content through another medium. With this second method, I walked them through the video creation process and had them decide how to create it from a menu of features.

After the results came back and I shared the research, I collaborated on wireframes with the product manager and a product design vendor, and completed a more in-depth, moderated concept study.


I was able to articulate the reason why existing tools don’t meet creators needs, and give the team a concrete problem to focus on. I also gave the team the journey map below for their use as time went on.

*Showtime is a pseudonym


Just me


Hearing a participant share her journey learning to cook Persian food after marrying a Persian man

Working hand in hand with a product design vendor on their wireframes to ensure user and stakeholder desires were met

Piloting a new methodology that was later used by several other colleagues within Area 120